Young Climbers Found after Mountain-Side Scare

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"

Russian mountain rescue workers have located a team of eight Polish tourists who were believed lost on Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus range, but have not managed to contact them as this issue was closed. After a snowstorm broke on the 5,642-metre mountain on Tuesday, one of the group of young climbers from Warsaw and Szczecin phoned a friend, saying they were in trouble and needed assistance. The friend then alerted Russian rescuers through the Polish embassy in Moscow. The snowstorm prevented rescuers from using a helicopter to locate the lost climbers, but on Wednesday they reported seeing the group on the slope of the mountain. The unlucky tourists have also re-established telephone communications and have contacted their families in Poland. The Russian authorities said the climbers, aged 25 to 29, had behaved irresponsibly, attacking the difficult western approach without proper preparations or reporting their attempt to the relevant Russian services.



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